Post by Mr. Man-wai ChangHow to determine whether a random number generator is fake?
How to determine whether a random number generator is cheating?
How do you catch bad programming, algorithm designers and
mathematicians? Use MP3 and JPEG encoding as examples, which involves
something called Fourier Transform! :)
A random number generator can never be "real", we can only try to
emulate it.
If we consider real randomness:
1. Using the same seed will never produce the same sequence of randomness.
2. Into infinity it will never replicate the same sequence.
Therefor, we try to emulate randomness with:
1. Seed calculated as Year * Seconds + Month * Minutes + Day * Hours
2. A numerical value calculated based on the seed which become the new seed.
The above even fail already on Point 1.
1. The same seed will always produce the same "random" sequence.
2. Therefor how fake is a random number generator? "Randomness" is
defined that for the set of random numbers required, the algorithm have
a non-replicating sequence capability far beyond the need of
randomness. Or in English, if we require X "random" numbers, will our
algorithm, given any seed at least have a X^factor likelihood of not
repeating a pattern inside the set.
3. It should always be taken into consideration that for all practical
reasons, the moment the random number is exactly the same as the
original seed, the whole set will start replicating itself. That is
therefor the "upper" limit of randomness. Flaws can also exist in the
algorithm in any other form that a certain random number generated will
start replicating "sub"-patterns in the set.
Hope I made myself clear.
*Johan Nel*
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