Mr. Man-wai Chang
2018-03-11 10:57:15 UTC
Is programming in C considered to be a form of "evil"? ;^)
Since PASCAL is always criticizing C for being evil, does it mean thatall PASCAL supporters are people like Rick C. Hodgin and Billy Graham? :)
@~@ Remain silent! Drink, Blink, Stretch! Live long and prosper!!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty!
/( _ )\ May the Force and farces be with you!
^ ^ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux
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@~@ Remain silent! Drink, Blink, Stretch! Live long and prosper!!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty!
/( _ )\ May the Force and farces be with you!
^ ^ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux
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